How to print booklets for MacOS
Printing A5 Booklet on TLSC_Production
1. Once you have prepared your document, go to Print and make sure TLSC_Production is the selected photocopier.

2. If printing from Google Chrome, scroll down and select ‘Print using system dialogue’ for more options.

3. Make sure TLSC_Production is selected and click onto Preferences.

4. To print to booklet, ensure that the 2 sided option is ‘Off’. Then under the Booklet feature, select ‘Magazine’. Optional: Staple function is set default to ‘Off’, select ‘2 at Centre’ to activate the stapling feature using the dropdown box. You can also choose to print in Colour/Black and White under the ‘Color Mode’ dropdown box. Once all options are selected, click OK.

5. Click Print.

Printing A4 Booklet on TLSC_Production
Follow Steps 1 – 4 from above. Within the Printing Preferences window, make the following changes.
1. Select A3 under the ‘Print On’ dropdown menu.

2. Move across to the ‘Layout/Edit’ Menu. Select Fit to Paper Size under the Reduce/Enlarge dropdown box.

3. Click OK and Print.
To get to the Printer Properties in a Word Document
Click on File>Print, make sure TLSC_Production is selected and click on ‘Printer Properties’.

To get to the Printer Properties in Adobe Acrobat DC (PDF)
Click on File>Print, make sure TLSC_Production is selected and click on ‘Printer Properties’.

For more information, please click on this link for a video guide.